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Starter Packs
2 products
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products
Unsure of what your kids like to play with? Fret not, KidPowered is here to offer you a huge collection of starter packs that your kids can choose from. Our starter packs include treasure battle, kayak adventure, pediatrician’s office and seahorse carriage. Each starter park is unique in its own way and appeals to different interests. If you are looking to help your child explore into different genres, a starter pack will be an excellent start as it is much more affordable. Visit KidPowered now to learn more about each product.
Kids are naturally curious people and have very short attention span. They may like one toy now, and instantly switch to another toy the next moment. As such, it can be tough for parents to keep up, especially since toys are pretty expensive these days. Therefore, starter packs are a great way for kids to learn and understand their interests. If your child shows interest in the starter pack for a substantial amount of time, you can then consider purchasing a more complete set for them to play with.
Apart from the financial savings that parents can enjoy, these starter packs can also encourage the kids to play creatively and imaginatively. Imaginative play is vital in a child’s development. By making the child pretend play in various scenarios, it can improve their social, language, emotional and physical aspects. It can also boost their thinking skills and better their problem-solving skills.
At KidPowered, all our products are made of exceptional quality. Our toys are evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials, so you can be assured that your kids will be safe when playing with our toys. Our Playmobil starter packs are priced at an affordable rate and we also provide free shipping on all orders!
For more inquiries about our starter packs for children, feel free to contact us today.