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5 products
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Magic may be fictional, but it is a prominent genre in our lives. It leads us to believe, imagine, create, and fantasize, which are important for children. At a young age, it is not important for them to be realistic, but more important for them to immerse in a world of imagination. Childhood is an important period of our lives, and it is important for children to believe anything is possible.
Imaginative play with magic toys have many benefits. While playing, either alone or with friends, children get to know more about emotions, develop their imagination, language skills and even problem-solving skills in imaginary situations.
Things like magic words, spells, and magical characters can get children to stimulate their brain and think creatively and fast. It also tests their memory skills, and they slowly learn how to develop stories. Magic toys are also one of the best toys to play with friends, as they get to roleplay and have fun with one another in a different world.
All our kids’ toys at KidPowered are made with quality materials, are further evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials and is certified to be safe for toddlers and children. With the free shipping, our products being long-lasting, our magic toys are worth for their price. Alternatively, we also offer Playmobil toys at very affordable prices.
For more inquiries about our magic toys for children, feel free to contact us today.