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8 products
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Mermaids are toys that are more popular among girls, but that does not mean it is only for one gender. As mystical creatures, mermaids are a part of our creativity and everyone, children and adults alike can immerse in the magical world of mermaids and get in touch with the creative spot. They also play a huge part in legends, myths, folklores, storybooks and movies. Playing mermaid toys is an interactive way to know more about them.
These toys require children to be imaginative and creative. Playing with them requires children to have an imaginative mindset and this encourages their brain to be creative and imagine – a cognitive skill very important in all stages of their lives.
There are mermaids that many are familiar with, but beyond common knowledge, there are countless of mermaids with a unique story. Children with mermaid toys will be able to develop an interest in them, finding out more about each tale, broadening their creative knowledge and also language skills. As we cannot see mermaids in real life, mermaid toys are the best way to know more about them.
All our kids’ toys are first evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials. At KidPowered, we only sell top quality toys that are made of high quality materials and are able to last for many years.
For more inquiries about our mermaid toys for children, feel free to contact us today.