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Mega Sets
9 products
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 products
Mega toy sets involves a lot of characters and props. This is a great way to train children’s memory skills, organization and multi-tasking. By playing with different characters, tools and props, children have to first organize them and find a way to maneuver around these characters so they have a story to play with.
These toys train children to be resilient and organized. It is not a fast and easy process to dismantle and put together the figurines and props in a mega set. Furthermore, you need to remember each figurine as you normally give them names and a simple backstory. Playing with mega sets is a good exercise for their brains.
Training them to be resilient, organized and be focused at a young age can be tough, but it is easy when they do imaginative play. These are skills important through life, and by doing it in a way they find fun at a young age gives them a leap. They also learn to take care of their belongings and be responsible for them.
At KidPowered, we only sell toys that are made with premium materials and are evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials. Our products are suited for the safety of children, and are long-lasting if you take good care of them.
For more inquiries about our mega toy sets for children, feel free to contact us today.