The Galt Glow Lab allows young scientists to experiment until their hearts are content! The 24-page illustrative guide book is full of experiments that help kids learn how to make cool glow-in-the-dark bouncy balls and fun toys. They can discover hidden messages with the glow glasses. This aspect of toys is very important for development of curiosity, patience and experimenting.
Galt creates toys to inspire good habits in education for children. Galt toys are designed to meet each stage of a child's development and encourage learning through play. Galt began as a schoolbook seller in 1836 and is now a brand leader in quality developmental and creative products for children. The basic skills learnt from this toy will help children as the develop in their careers in education and hobbies.
Turn play time into learning time with this simple, yet effective toy by Galt. Ever since Galt's inception in the educational sector of selling product, they had children's education in mind. In fact, the first product they sold were schoolbooks to schools helping children learn basic skills in math, the sciences and literature.