Typically, children two years old through eight years old (or thereabouts) can have a lot of fun with play figures. In the past, you may have heard these referred to as action figures. They are poseable character figures that are routinely accompanied by various accessories such as tools, vehicles, animals, and more. Think an EMT accompanied by lifesaving equipment and an ambulance. Or possibly a farmer accompanied by a hay baler, tractor, cow with a milking machine, etc. These toy figures, while being loads and loads of fun, can be essential in the development of your child.

Role-playing, imagination, creativity, problem-solving, motor skills, and more can be developed and improved through the use of toy figures. While important for keeping kids entertained, what are the specific benefits of your child playing with toy figures?


A wide range of ages are appealed to by toy figures. Don't be surprised if you, mom or dad, get into the act! For everyone who lives there, a home with a playful and colorful decor feels more inviting and a lot more fun. That includes parental adults, children, guests, etc.

You're never too old to play with small figures. Truth be told, collections of figurines are not uncommon among adults!


Figures have a play value that spans a long time, much as with stuffed animals. With equal zeal, play figures appeal to school aged kids, preschoolers, and even toddlers. For years to come, your child will play with their toy figures and, as they develop, so will their play become more elaborate.

Help Develop Language

Naturally, your child's toy figures are going to talk to each other. It will be interesting and entertaining to note the tone of voice and manner in which they speak for each character. As they use words to communicate from character to character, their language skills will develop further. Don't be surprised to hear your child voice things from their character that they've heard you say, however – so be careful!


One essential skill that your child will develop through time is that of emotional intelligence. If a child does not learn to recognize emotional states in others, show empathy for others, and connect to their own emotions, they will not grow into a well-adjusted adult. Later in life, early emotional development will assist in personal and work relationships, be helpful in navigating school, and even help them in the workplace, eventually.

With play figures, your child will be able to "practice" emotional situations. As an example, a baby animal may need nurturing from its mother if it hurts its paw. Disagreements between human figures may help a child with problem solving and cooperation. Anything that can be experienced by a human being can be experienced in the imagination of your child through the use of character figures.


The places that your child can visit, the things they can create and build, numerous situations in general, are limited only by your child's imagination and creativity. Creative play is encouraged by the use of character figures or toy figures. They can learn how to care for animals, construct a building, be of service to others, explore uncharted territory or the wilderness, and more, by using toy figures.


Whether it's a leisure activity, agricultural undertaking, a construction project, emergency services, or some other walk of life, KidPowered has a wide array of poseable character figures and the vehicles/accessories that go with them. Tractors and farmers, ambulances and EMTs, construction workers and caterpillars – you name it – we've got it.

Encourage your child's imagination, motor skills, creativity, problem-solving capabilities, etc. while giving them the best opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves. Shop for toy figures and their accompanying vehicles at KidPowered.